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SMS Verify

Send a unique security code to any mobile device via SMS.

Use this API to verify mobile phone numbers, help reduce fraud and in authentication systems for implementing multi-factor authentication (MFA and 2FA) or one-time passwords (OTP). Supply your own security code for use in TOTP (the most common standard for 2FA implementations) or let us auto generate a secure random code. To then verify a delivered code you can either implement this on your side or use use the Verify Security Code API.

Send SMS globally to any country at great rates: SMS Rates

We use multiple networks and mobile carriers to ensure your messages will arrive every time. If more than one request to the same number is received in a short space of time we automatically switch to alternative delivery routes.

We recommend that you set the 'brand-name' option as needed so that end-users will recognize who the message is sent from. If our default message template does not suit your needs, you can also fully customize it. To setup a custom template: Contact Us

End Point

Test API
API Request
numberyesstringThe phone number to send a verification code to
code-lengthnointeger5The number of digits to use in the security code (must be between 4 and 12)
security-codenointegerPass in your own security code. This is useful if you have implemented TOTP or similar 2FA methods. If not set then we will generate a secure random code
brand-namenostringSet a custom brand or product name in the verification message
country-codenostringISO 2-letter country code, assume numbers are based in this country.
If not set numbers are assumed to be in international format (with or without the leading + sign)
language-codenostringenThe language to send the verification code in, available languages are:
  • de - German
  • en - English
  • es - Spanish
  • fr - French
  • it - Italian
  • pt - Portuguese
  • ru - Russian
limitnointeger10Limit the total number of SMS allowed to the supplied phone number, if the limit is reached within the TTL then error code 14 will be returned
limit-ttlnointeger1Set the TTL in number of days that the 'limit' option will remember a phone number (the default is 1 day and the maximum is 365 days)
API Response
sentbooleanTrue if the SMS has been sent
number-validbooleanTrue if this a valid phone number
security-codestringThe security code generated, you can save this code to perform your own verification or you can use the Verify Security Code API
API Performance
Avg Latency20msAverage RTT for requests within the same data center/region
Max Rate2/secondMaximum inbound request rate. Exceeding this will result in request throttling
Max Concurrency10Maximum concurrent/simultaneous requests. Exceeding this will result in error code 06 [TOO MANY CONNECTIONS]

API Example
curl https://neutrinoapi.net/sms-verify \ --header "User-ID: <your-user-id>" \ --header "API-Key: <your-api-key>" \ --data-urlencode "number=+12106100045" \ --data-urlencode "country-code=" \ --data-urlencode "security-code=" \ --data-urlencode "language-code=en" \ --data-urlencode "code-length=5" \ --data-urlencode "limit=10" \ --data-urlencode "brand-name=" \ --data-urlencode "limit-ttl=1"
{ numberValid: true, securityCode: "63456", sent: true }