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Geocode Address

Geocode an address, partial address or just the name of a place.

Address geocoding is the process of taking a string and attempting to match this with possible real world locations. This is the opposite process of reverse geocoding. Once a location is found you can then retrieve the geographic coordinates as latitude and longitude. If more than one location is found for a given string then results are ordered by most relevant to the original search address and with the highest geographic accuracy.

Use this API to:
This API accepts both structured and unstructured addresses. To geocode a structured address set the fields: 'house-number', 'street', 'city', etc. To geocode an unstructured address just set the 'address' field. If the 'address' field is set it always takes precedence.

End Point

Test API
API Request
addressnostringThe full address, partial address or name of a place to try and locate. Comma separated address components are preferred.
house-numbernostringThe house/building number to locate
streetnostringThe street/road name to locate
citynostringThe city/town name to locate
countynostringThe county/region name to locate
statenostringThe state name to locate
postal-codenostringThe postal code to locate
country-codenostringLimit result to this country (the default is no country bias)
language-codenostringenThe language to display results in, available languages are:
  • de, en, es, fr, it, pt, ru, zh
fuzzy-searchnobooleanfalseIf no matches are found for the given address, start performing a recursive fuzzy search until a geolocation is found. This option is recommended for processing user input or implementing auto-complete. We use a combination of approximate string matching and data cleansing to find possible location matches
API Response
foundintegerThe number of possible matching locations found
locationsarrayArray of matching location objects:
latitudefloatThe location latitude
longitudefloatThe location longitude
addressstringThe complete address using comma-separated values
address-componentsmapThe components which make up the address such as road, city, state, etc
citystringThe city of the location
statestringThe state of the location
region-codestringThe ISO 3166-2 region code for the location
countrystringThe country of the location
country-codestringThe ISO 2-letter country code of the location
country-code3stringThe ISO 3-letter country code of the location
currency-codestringISO 4217 currency code associated with the country
postal-codestringThe postal code for the location
postal-addressstringThe formatted address using local standards suitable for printing on an envelope
location-typestringThe detected location type ordered roughly from most to least precise, possible values are:
  • address - indicates a precise street address
  • street - accurate to the street level but may not point to the exact location of the house/building number
  • city - accurate to the city level, this includes villages, towns, suburbs, etc
  • postal-code - indicates a postal code area (no house or street information present)
  • railway - location is part of a rail network such as a station or railway track
  • natural - indicates a natural feature, for example a mountain peak or a waterway
  • island - location is an island or archipelago
  • administrative - indicates an administrative boundary such as a country, state or province
location-tagsarrayArray of strings containing any location tags associated with the address. Tags are additional pieces of metadata about a specific location, there are thousands of different tags. Some examples of tags: shop, office, cafe, bank, pub
timezonemapMap containing timezone details for the location:
idstringThe time zone ID as per the IANA time zone database (tzdata). If empty then no valid timezone was detected
namestringThe full time zone name
abbrstringThe time zone abbreviation
datestringThe current date at the time zone (ISO 8601 format 'YYYY-MM-DD')
timestringThe current time at the time zone (ISO 8601 format 'hh:mm:ss.sss')
offsetstringThe UTC offset for the time zone (ISO 8601 format '±hh:mm')
API Performance
Avg Latency80msAverage RTT for requests within the same data center/region
Max Rate6/secondMaximum inbound request rate. Exceeding this will result in request throttling
Max Concurrency30Maximum concurrent/simultaneous requests. Exceeding this will result in error code 06 [TOO MANY CONNECTIONS]

API Example
curl https://neutrinoapi.net/geocode-address \ --header "User-ID: <your-user-id>" \ --header "API-Key: <your-api-key>" \ --data-urlencode "address=1 Molesworth Street, Thorndon, Wellington 6011" \ --data-urlencode "house-number=" \ --data-urlencode "street=" \ --data-urlencode "city=" \ --data-urlencode "county=" \ --data-urlencode "state=" \ --data-urlencode "postal-code=" \ --data-urlencode "country-code=" \ --data-urlencode "language-code=en" \ --data-urlencode "fuzzy-search=false"
{ found: 1, locations: [ { address: "1 Molesworth Street, Pipitea, Wellington 6140, New Zealand", address-components: { city: "Wellington", country: "New Zealand", county: "Wellington City", house-number: "1", postal-code: "6140", road: "Molesworth Street", state: "Wellington", suburb: "Pipitea" }, city: "Wellington", country: "New Zealand", country-code: "NZ", country-code3: "NZL", currency-code: "NZD", latitude: -41.2775847, location-tags: [ "house" ], location-type: "address", longitude: 174.7775229, postal-address: "1 Molesworth Street\nPipitea\nWellington 6140\nNew Zealand", postal-code: "6140", region-code: "WGN", state: "Wellington", timezone: { abbr: "NZST", date: "2024-08-05", id: "Pacific/Auckland", name: "New Zealand Standard Time", offset: "+12:00", time: "10:55:04.442585" } } ] }