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Email Validate

Parse, validate and clean an email address.

Email validate has the following core functions:

Syntax Checks

Check if the email address is RFC822 and RFC2822 compliant

DNS Validation

Check if the email domain resolves correctly and has working MX (mail exchanger) records

Typo Fixing

Automatically fix common domain, TLD (top-level domain) and freemail address typos

Freemail Filtering

Determine if the email address is a freemail address, i.e. from a service providing free email

Disposable Filtering

Determine if the email address is associated with a disposable, temporary or darknet email service

Role Detection

Check if an email address is personal or role based
This API does not perform any SMTP based username/mailbox verification. This means it cannot determine if a specific username is registered or not with the email provider. To achieve this you can utilize the Email Verify API

End Point

Test API
API Request
emailyesstringAn email address
fix-typosnobooleanfalseAutomatically attempt to fix typos in the address
API Response
validbooleanIs this a valid email address. To be valid an email must have: correct syntax, a registered and active domain name, correct DNS records and operational MX servers
emailstringThe complete email address. If you enabled the 'fix-typos' option then this will be the corrected address
domainstringThe domain name of this email address
providerstringThe domain name of the email hosting provider
mx-ipstringThe first resolved IP address of the primary MX server, may be empty if there are domain errors present
is-freemailbooleanTrue if this address is from a free email provider
is-disposablebooleanTrue if this address is a disposable, temporary or darknet related email address
is-personalbooleanTrue if this address likely belongs to a person. False if this is a role based address, e.g. admin@, help@, office@, etc.
typos-fixedbooleanTrue if any typos have been fixed. The 'fix-typos' option must be enabled for this to work
syntax-errorbooleanTrue if this address has any syntax errors or is not in RFC compliant formatting
domain-errorbooleanTrue if this address has any domain name or DNS related errors. Check the 'domain-status' field for the detailed error reason
domain-statusstringThe email domain status, possible values are:
  • ok - the domain is in working order and can receive email
  • invalid - the domain is not a conformant hostname. May contain invalid syntax or characters
  • no-service - the domain owner has indicated there is no mail service on the domain (also known as the 'Null MX')
  • no-mail - the domain has no valid MX records so cannot receive email
  • mx-invalid - MX records contain invalid or non-conformant hostname values
  • mx-bogon - MX records point to bogon IP addresses
  • resolv-error - MX records do not resolve to any valid IP addresses
API Performance
Avg Latency50msAverage RTT for requests within the same data center/region
Max Rate500/secondMaximum inbound request rate. Exceeding this will result in request throttling
Max Concurrency250Maximum concurrent/simultaneous requests. Exceeding this will result in error code 06 [TOO MANY CONNECTIONS]

API Example
curl https://neutrinoapi.net/email-validate \ --header "User-ID: <your-user-id>" \ --header "API-Key: <your-api-key>" \ --data-urlencode "email=tech@neutrinoapi.com" \ --data-urlencode "fix-typos=false"
{ domain: "neutrinoapi.com", domain-error: false, domain-status: "ok", email: "tech@neutrinoapi.com", is-disposable: false, is-freemail: false, is-personal: false, mx-ip: "", provider: "isx.net.nz", syntax-error: false, typos-fixed: false, valid: true }