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Phone Validate

Parse, validate and get location information about a phone number.

Use this API to validate local and international phone numbers in any country. You can determine the location of the number and also reformat the number into local and international dialing formats.

We can detect the line type (e.g. fixed or mobile) without the need to talk to the carrier network by analyzing the number prefix. However, line type detection is not possible for all countries notably most of the NANP region. In cases where the number type returns "unknown" you can utilize an HLR Lookup to get carrier level type detection as well as more detailed mobile device information.

End Point

Test API
API Request
numberyesstringA phone number. This can be in international format (E.164) or local format. If passing local format you must also set either the 'country-code' OR 'ip' options as well
country-codenostringISO 2-letter country code, assume numbers are based in this country. If not set numbers are assumed to be in international format (with or without the leading + sign)
ipnostringPass in a users IP address and we will assume numbers are based in the country of the IP address
API Response
validbooleanIs this a valid phone number
typestringThe number type based on the number prefix.
Possible values are:
  • mobile
  • fixed-line
  • premium-rate
  • toll-free
  • voip
  • unknown (use HLR lookup)
international-calling-codestringThe international calling code
international-numberstringThe number represented in full international format (E.164)
local-numberstringThe number represented in local dialing format
locationstringThe phone number location. Could be the city, region or country depending on the type of number
countrystringThe phone number country
country-codestringThe phone number country as an ISO 2-letter country code
country-code3stringThe phone number country as an ISO 3-letter country code
currency-codestringISO 4217 currency code associated with the country
is-mobilebooleanTrue if this is a mobile number. If the number type is unknown this value will be false
prefix-networkstringThe network/carrier who owns the prefix (this only works for some countries, use HLR lookup for global network detection)
API Performance
Avg Latency15msAverage RTT for requests within the same data center/region
Max Rate500/secondMaximum inbound request rate. Exceeding this will result in request throttling
Max Concurrency250Maximum concurrent/simultaneous requests. Exceeding this will result in error code 06 [TOO MANY CONNECTIONS]

API Example
curl https://neutrinoapi.net/phone-validate \ --header "User-ID: <your-user-id>" \ --header "API-Key: <your-api-key>" \ --data-urlencode "number=+6495552000" \ --data-urlencode "country-code=" \ --data-urlencode "ip="
{ country: "New Zealand", country-code: "NZ", country-code3: "NZL", currency-code: "NZD", international-calling-code: "64", international-number: "+6495552000", is-mobile: false, local-number: "09 555 2000", location: "Auckland", prefix-network: "", type: "fixed-line", valid: true }